Vishwakarma Engineering Works

Our Services

Our Services

Viswakarma Engineering Works being a customer centric company, is deeply committed to offer quality products and services that provide true value to the customers. Each and every activity is meticulously developed with a vision to offer value added products and services. Thus, timely delivery of the products at cost effective prices remains our foremost aim when it comes to nurturing the trust our customers have placed on us.

Overhauling & Maintenance of Ash-handling plant

Overhauling of Burners & Air pre-heaters

Services for retrofitting FGD, Modification & Overhauling of ESP

Maintenance & Overhauling of Coal mill

Erection & Overhauling Of Ducts

Erection & Overhauling Of fans

Erection of structures

Scaffolding services

We execute Scaffolding Erection jobs for Plants and Various Equipment such as Spheres, Columns (Internal & External). We have our own scaffolding material for 200,000 CUM.

Man power supply

We execute the orders to supply manpower for day-to day plant maintenance works of Turbine, Compressor and Pumps etc. as well as operation related manpower as and when required. We also provide senior experienced staff like Mechanical Supervisor, Mechanical Engineer for project as well as turn around shutdown jobs. We also provide Skilled, Semiskilled and Unskilled manpower like Pipe fitter, Welder (CS & SS), Maintenance fitter, Riggers, helpers, Millwright fitter, Grinders, Gas cutter etc. as and when required.

" Joy of Building Best "